Monday, January 17, 2022

We Could Tell You But Then We'd Have to Kill You

 A top official with the Federal Bureau of Investigation repeatedly refused to disclose how many FBI agents and informants were involved in the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021. [Ted Cruz] also demanded to know if FBI agents committed any violent crimes or incited any violent crimes on January 6. Sanborn again declined to answer. [More]

Who's behind the "coup" again...?


  1. If they have nothing to hide......

  2. After the (R) party takes charge of the House, and maybe the Senate, after the midterms, they should cancel funding to the FBI until and/or unless the FBI answers these questions candidly, truthfully, and in full.

    After all, congress has oversight and funding powers where the FBI is concerned.

    P.S. Question them under oath.

  3. to Anon, after the Rs take the House they will no doubt increase funding to fbi and to all other l.e. and intel entities. There will be no inquest.

  4. Is "contempt of Congress" no longer a thing? Unless they're pleading the 5th, you'd think refusal to answer the questions would be subject to a jail term. I know that's naive of me, but a flat refusal like that ought to earn something from the Senator.

  5. Oh, it's "a thing." But first, you've got to have the votes. And as we saw in Fast and Furious, even if you do, then you've got to have the will to go all in.


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