Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A Matter of Priorities

 Sandy Hook families reach $73 million settlement with gun manufacturer Remington [More]

This is what happens when lawyers and money men take point. The damage done here is incalculable.


  1. And as you so often point out, red meat is not exactly the best jackal repellent.

  2. Damage is indeed incalculable; the floodgates are now open and the precedent will strip succeeding defendants of any/all defenses. Set up like bowling pins.

  3. F**k remingon

  4. How bad is this in total? I just heard a well known gun blogger stating that the damage was more at the state level and not nationally. I could tell he was trying to make the best of this bad situation.

    Should I dust off an old 45 rpm of " This is the End", or do we still have a chance?

  5. Imagine suits filed in all 50 states against all gun biz defendants using terminology crafted to each state's legalisms.

    Imagine disaster.

  6. A story published elsewhere made the point that Remington didn't settle. The Remington that was sued no longer exists. It was broken up by a bankruptcy court and the pieces sold off. Remington's former insurance companies settled.


    And those insurance companies are not part of the firearms industry. Not quite the same as the Smith & Wesson settlement with the Clinton administration.


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