Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Been a While Since I was Stabbed by Someone Pooping in the Living Room...

 As the Bay Area continues to struggle under the weight of its homelessness crisis, officials and nonprofits are asking local residents to do more than hand out meals or donate spare change. They’re asking them to open up their homes. [More]

Do it! Find out why their own families won't take them in!

I don't suppose the local politicians and appointed administrators want to lead by example?


  1. As I recall, the old acronym was, "C.A.T.O." (Crazy, Addict, Tramp, Other, with "Other" usually being less than 10% of the mix). It is a good point to wonder why their families don't want them around. Hey! Having Cato around will be a good excuse to redecorate after everything is stolen or destroyed. Great opportunity, if you survive.

  2. One wonders how many Princess Nancy or Duke Gavin will take in.

  3. I've certainly learned long ago when reading David's comments to not have a mouth full of coffee; the deep, dry humor he creates can overwhelm so quickly that one must be prepared ahead of time to avoid a wet surprise!


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