Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Life Imitates Art

Elon Musk’s Neuralink 'Brain Chip' could give users orgasms on demand [More]

Woody Allen beat him to it, inspired by Wilhelm Reich's "Orgone Energy Accumulator," so I guess art imitated life. Chicken or egg...

I remember reading many years ago that scientists did an experiment where they had rats in a cage with two buttons, one to stimulate the pleasure center of their brain and the other to release food pellets, and the rats all starved. Noting, as National Lampoon Desiderata send-up observed in its Radio Dinner album, that "a walk through the ocean of most souls would scarcely get your feet wet," and then looking at what's popular and trending, I know what outcome my money's on.


  1. Larry Niven was writing about this near half a century ago:

  2. There was an experiment that showed that some male lab rats preferred
    cocaine over food while others preferred heroin over food. One lab rate preferred both cocaine and heroin over food.



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