Monday, March 21, 2022

A Tale Told by an Idiot, Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing.

Rep. Bowman Leads Colleagues in Letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Common Sense Gun Law Reform [More]

That means a race card exploiting collectivist who wants your guns sees a chance to grab the publicity spotlight without actually doing anything.

Don't panic.  The 3% prognosis hasn't changed on HR 8 and HR 1446, and the midterms are approaching.

[Via Jess]


  1. "Ed.D!"
    A woman’s chorus began an excited bleating:
    Ammonium bromide gr. 1-1/2

    Potassium bromide gr. 3

    Sodium bromide gr. 2

    Citric acid quant. suff.

    “Quant Suff!” The Scientific People roared. “Quant Suff!”...

  2. Sorry, with your pop culture tastes I felt sure you'd have encountered the reference.
    It's from "The Stars My Destination" by Alfred Bester. A scene where degenerate cargo cultists save our hero's life, but then damage and disfigure him horribly by "practicing science" to "improve" him even further.
    Rep. Bowman's obsessive flaunting of what is arguably the single most meaningless scholarly credential awarded today, to the end of doing exactly the wrong thing, put me in mind of the ceremonial chanting scene, at this brief excerpt.


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