Monday, March 07, 2022

The Bear Necessities

The Biggest Bear You Will Ever See [Watch]

And they're just standing feet away from it while moron YouTube commenters gush over how one with nature this makes them feel?

It's not like bears aren't happy to oblige.

[Via Jess]


  1. It's possible the offending shot was taken with a telephoto lens from way behind the people, which would have compressed the actual distance between them and the bear. The jitter and the apparent size of the mountain, compared to its size in other shots, would also support this.

  2. A second video popped up after the first. Nat. Geo videographer guide Same guy, he must be catlike 6 more to go before the best video ever.

  3. Why would I recall some back to nature bozo who convinced his gal to go with him to live among the bears (AK maybe)and achieved bear sh*t status not long after.

  4. Probably for the same reason I put a link to that story in this post.


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