Tuesday, May 03, 2022

Blog Update Sitrep

I'm workin' on it. I should be able to do a test post at the new place by the end of the week.

It's been nice having less hectic days at the keyboard, especially with Spring yard work demands, but I do miss posting on a whim. For instance, did everybody catch Hillary flashing a racist hand sign at the Met Gala?


  1. Look at her! That's a 20 year old photo, if it's a day old. In reality, she's probavly answering the question of "what does bill like?" With a hand sign.

  2. I'm old enough to remember when that gesture meant "Its OK." Later in life I learned that in some parts of the world it means "You're an a$$hole." Only recently has the Left added any racist connotation. I'd love to hear the Witch of Chappaqua explain what she meant by it.

  3. Yeah, and Rainbows use to be beautiful a d Gay ment happy.
    See’in the pattern?

  4. "See’in the pattern?"

    The pattern and the motivation behind it. Control the language of the debate, control the debate. Frank Luntz didn't come up with the idea. He's just the latest to figure out how to monetize it.

    "The nation's premier communications expert shares his wisdom on how the words we choose can change the course of business, of politics, and of life in this country

    In Words That Work, Luntz offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the tactical use of words and phrases affects what we buy, who we vote for, and even what we believe in. With chapters like "The Ten Rules of Successful Communication" and "The 21 Words and Phrases for the 21st Century," he examines how choosing the right words is essential."

    Note that he's the one who convinced to Left to drop "gun control" in favor of "common sense gun safety." After all, what sane person could be against "gun safety?" Next, all they have to do is convince people that all guns are inherently unsafe, which is really quite true if you think about it. Presto Changeo, debate half won.


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