Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Daily Defense

 I'll be on at 5 Eastern.

Go to the AAR website to listen/watch/find a station near you.

Inconvenient Truths

 Due to lack of participation, FBI won't release quarterly crime stats [More]

Elections coming up, are they?

Noting that government is the creation, I don't recall presenting my report card to my parents ever being optional.

[Via Steve T

Your Tax Dollars at Work

 Join us on March 31st at 2 pm ET to learn how cities and community-based organizations can use American Rescue Plan funds and other federal grants to reduce gun violence in their communities.  [More]

The Bloombergians are hosting an online circle-jerk to teach others how to bury their snouts in the trough and guarantee more violence in a webinar that's guaranteed to be full of finger-pointing and meaningless self-serving platitudes!

Like They Were Trying to Get Caught

 Bomb-making materials, partial IED, smoke bombs and firework mortars seized last week from home in Richmond suburbs [More]

So he supplied the 21-year-old with "'drugs'... and pays for lavish trips." I wonder what she supplied him with...

I guess if you have all that stuff, keeping a low profile is an unrealistic expectation.

[Via Mack H]

A Matter of Priorities

 President Trump Withdraws His Endorsement of Alabama’s Mo Brooks for US Senate [More]

So will he back someone who can improve on this and on this?

[Via Michael G]

The Point of No Return

Insane: Now All the Unvetted Afghans Biden's Handlers Brought Here Can't Be Deported [More]


[Via Michael G]

In the Dark

 Secretly-funded efforts fueled the American Revolution. [More]

So what I'm hearing is that weapons can be used for good or for evil...

[Via Michael G]

Anticipated Losses are Inevitable

 "The Tragedy Is Our System" - Iowa Governor Becomes Voice Of Reason On Gun Control [More]

Brainwashing populations into rejecting reality and hating challenges to their enslavement is bound to make a certain number snap.

[Via bondmen]

If Wishes Were Fishes

Bill Maher Thinks California May Turn Red Because ‘People Can’t F–ing Do Anything’ [More]

Urban populations dominating "our democracy" and planned cultural terraforming will take care of that little fantasy.

[Via bondmen]

I Can't Tell You How Many Times I've Done This

 St Charles City Police Captain Raymond Floyd said the 30-year-old man was asked to leave a business on Main Street Tuesday night. He then began firing shots with a handgun. [More]

Well, if they didn't want him to shoot everything up, they shouldn't have denied his entitlement.

Hey, who thinks it's this feral moron's first rodeo?

[Via bondmen]

Paved with Good Intentions

 Man Wrestles, Body Slams Suspected Shoplifters At California Walgreens – The Police Told The Good Samaritan He Could Be Charged For His intervention [More]

Kevin needs to think things through.

[Via bondmen]

Hate Speech Alert

 Despite initially ruling out terrorism, officials have now said that radical Islam, not mental health issues, was the likely motivation for a Syrian knifeman’s stabbing spree on a German train [More]

Where can we report whoever's saying that?

[Via bondmen]

Hold the Pickle, Hold the Lettuce, Special Orders Don't Upset Us

Florida Burger King employee shoots customer who threw mayo at her [More]

I love the way the aunt claims she was justified. If the customer had shot back in self-defense, she'd be the first one demanding his head, as we've seen happen time and again.

[Via bondmen]

The Blended Constitution

 Judge Jackson Wants to 'Meld' American Law with CRT, Social Justice [More]

And since we all know the Second Amendment was written for slave owners, well, it doesn't say anything about "shall not be melded"...

My guess is the Republicans won't have the guts to do what is needed, and this is all pre-coronation hand-wringing. Pray to God ( or "misogynistic founding fathers") I'm wrong.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Telling Enough

 "I could spend hours telling these stories about how these ghost guns have hurt our community and made our streets unsafe," Baltimore Police Chief Michael Harrison, whose department seized nine ghost guns in 2018 compared to 352 in 2021, said at a January press conference. [More]

The time would be better spent telling us how focusing on inanimate objects instead of government policies resulting in human operators unfit to be trusted with freedom has made Baltimore such a success story.

Funny, how nowhere in this "report" is there any admission that the goal here is to require all "legal" guns to be traceable to their current owners, meaning a "universal background check" ban on private sales, meaning a de facto registration system, meaning when the rules are changed again, the government will know exactly who to target for mandatory "buy-back" confiscations.

And note who won't let that slow them down one bit. Any bets if they impose this, urban homicides will continue to climb?

[Via Jess]

It's Nothing. Go Back to Sleep.

Who are you going to believe, the Democratic Party’s new official-unofficial, public-private monopoly tech platform censorship brigade, or your misinformed, disinformed eyes? [More]

We know whose narrative the DSM parrots.

If the Republicans do manage to regain legislative majorities followed by the White House, who has confidence they will vigorously pursue the election stealing conspiracy angle on this by subpoenaing communications and testimony and making sure the FEC is headed by someone other than a Democrat operative?

Which leads us to another "WTF, Trump?" moment...

[Via Michael G]


 The network quoted a shareholder as saying that closing down the news operation could boost the company’s market capitalization by up to $300 million. [More]

Looks like somebody didn't get their wish.

As I've noted before about BuzzFeed, a few years back they did probably the fairest write-up on me 'n Mike I've seen. A saying about blind pigs and acorns comes to mind.

[Via Michael G]

A Gun Owner, a Hunter and a Proud Democrat

 Sen. Contreras started out by explaining that he is a gun owner, a hunter and a proud Democrat. He then stated he does not feel the need to carry a gun and that he doesn’t “walk around, run around and drive around worried about somebody’s going to shoot me, somebody’s going to hurt me, or whatever.” As if being assaulted is tantamount to “whatever”. Contreras proceeded to ask, “Why even walk around at that point? Stay at home behind closed doors.” [More]

There are some who counsel that just owning a gun is a basis for a common ground alliance.

Listen to them at all our peril.

[H/T Dave Workman]

Moms Demand Weapons of War

 The women, aged from 20 to 60, are new recruits in the Women's Voluntary Defence Organisation, part of Estonia's state-run paramilitary defence. Five hundred new applicants joined since the fighting in Ukraine began, expanding the force to 3,200 members. [More]

Compare to the spoiled, ungrateful, obnoxious, and stupid harridans here who demand that men be just as contemptible and disgraceful as they are.

[Via Jess]


 Yesterday's GOA link provided access to several articles, including this:

GOA-Backed Sanctuary Law Imposes Toughest Penalties in the Nation

Guns & Gadgets notes not everyone agrees.

The disagreement runs deep.

Are we talking about a national group coming in and taking over, regardless of what the locals are working on like we see in the objections GRNC has documented with NRA? Are we talking about something else?

Beats me, and I won't be the one to figure it out. If you have insights, please feel free to share them.

[Via Jess] 

A Judas You Can Trust!

 All the rest of the Democrats in the Senate had a 0% voting record on the basic civil right of self-defense.  One Republican had a 0% voting record – Senator Hanger.  He had two chances to vote on a gun bill and voted wrong both times. [More]

And this surprises who...?

[Via Mack H]

What's Missing?

 2 female teachers killed at high school in Sweden, student arrested [More]

Why is it that not finding a name or any other identifying information about the suspect in any of the news reports I've seen makes me wonder if something is being deliberately left unreported?

[Via Steve T

One Way or Another

 U.S. Army surgeon in tears: Top brass ordered silence on vaccine injuries - 'I am watching people get absolutely destroyed' [More]

Either now or later...

Something Must Be Done!

 2 Akron men sentenced to life in prison for shooting death of 6-year-old girl [More]

Tell me this isn't the best argument you've ever heard for disarming the rest of us.