Sunday, February 20, 2005

Did CNN Just Commit a "Gun Crime"?

Freedom Sight points us to a discussion over at The Claire Files. Apparently, a reporter at anti-gun CNN just committed a federal felony by purchasing a .50 cal. rifle without going through all the “legal” transfer requirements. Either that or he did, and he’s not disclosing it in his story to make it look like just anybody can do this.

To see the video, go here and click on the “Powerful Rifle Readily Available” link in the Video graphic at the top right of the page.

NOTE: "To view this CNN content you must have RealOne SuperPass or CNN NewsPass."


  1. David,

    I just watched the vid and don't have either pass (that I know of, anyway.) I am just using the free version of Real Player v10. I went to it via Freedom Sight's link around 6PM ET.

    I'm hoping someone is geting it saved because it soon will disappear.

    Nice blog, dude.

  2. I'm glad that you guys are on top of this issue. MSNBC did a similar hit-piece on the mythical ".50 caliber militia" a while back, before the blogs became a focal point for a grass-roots type of outcry. Of course, the ".50 caliber militia" doesn't exist, but the average viewer doesn't know that. In any event, I suggest that we really need to pour on the heat to get CNN and their employees prosecurted for their actions. Y'all know that if it had been private citizens like us that tried this stunt, we'd be underneath the Texas State Penn at Huntsville hoping to get to make a phone call. I have a post on my website with contact information for the BATF, NRA, and CNN. Let's make sure to keep the heat on until the BATF officially says that they will, in fact, prosecute these criminals, to the full extend of the law, and beyond. Just like they'd do to us.
    CNN: The New Terrorists


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