Saturday, February 19, 2005

NRA Bashes U.N. on Small-Arms Reduction

"Others here may suggest the U.S. to get out of the U.N.” Wayne LaPierre thunders (just like he means it). “Right now I just want the U.N. to get out of the U.S."


Will you put your money where your mouth is, Mr. LaPierre?

Will you fold up shop on NRA's much-ballyhooed UN NGO and withdraw support and NRA membership from the World Forum on the Future of Sport Shooting Activities?

Will you have the Board pass a resolution that NRA's official and only policy toward global gungrabbers is "Molon Labe"?

I wrote a rebuttal appearing in the Sept. 2003 issue of GUNS AND AMMO to a piece featured in their May 2003 issue that praised the World Forum as a “pro gun watchdog.”

In it, I documented WFFSSA’s backing of gun marking/ registration schemes, along with their assisting the UN in defining "non-sporting" firearms, and recommended "Rather than working with [the UN], we should withdraw and conduct our sovereign affairs as prescribed by the Constitution--observing Washington's admonishment to 'steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world.'"

Interestingly, the California-based NRA Members Councils, which don't do a thing that is disapproved by their masters in Fairfax, attacked my endorsement of the Constitution and of Washington's philosophy, complaining "it is hard to imagine how an almost Islamist-like exclusionary world-view will enable the Codreas of the world to convert more than the occasional wandering 'Aryan' to the paradise of a rapidly diminishing gunowner 'reservation.'

"It is apparently more important for Codrea and his ilk to maintain an ideological purity of thought rather than achieve any of the incremental positional successes that could best guarantee eventual victory."

Just like all those incremental successes gun owners have enjoyed in California, right?

One more question: By calling for expulsion of the UN, does Wayne's new "ideological purity of thought" and "Islamist-like exclusionary world-view" now make him one of my "ilk"?

1 comment:

  1. OK - Will someone from the NRA please list the "incremental successes" that their compromise strategies has produced?

    Other than the obvious gun control strategies that NRA has assisted in implementing, that is...


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