Sunday, September 25, 2005

HCA Update Request

One of the frequent commenters to my original Handgun Club of America post recommends calling attention to the 35 comments it has generated to date. Because it is now buried by newer posts, he doesn't want to see the debate end because visitors don't know it's there.

I've done a few updates to this, including reporting that HCA has now added Second Amendment-related information to their site, but then regretfully relaying that in order to join, you must pledge to "observe all firearm laws."

Anyway, the comments range from spirited defenses of HCA by its officers and supporters, to spirited negative comments. Check them out and decide for yourself, and feel free to leave your own comments, criticisms and testimonials.


  1. I wrote a letter last Thursday to HCA about their membership requirement that you promise to "observe all firearm laws." Josh Manheimer wrote back to me the same day saying that his editor agreed with me and that they would remove it from the pledge. They removed it. I joined.

  2. Here's another way to look at this... but first read this:

    Now... this is interesting, and makes a lot of sense. Much of the industry is geared toward hunting, so maybe having a few more organizations focused on "target" shooting would be helpful, and help take the "stigma" off of target/tactical/defense shooters, because I know I get those odd stares sometimes, until I mention that I also shoot skeet (I look at it as target shooting, not practice for hunting birds...), at which point they seem to warm up to me much faster.

    Then again, they would be even more helpful if they were politically pro 2a, but at least they do help in terms of familiarizing people with the target/tactical/defense shooters.


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