Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What Do You Want To Bet...

...if it had been some sweaty, hairy guy instead of a hot-looking blonde, some hard time (no pun intended) would have been served?


  1. A hot blonde woman has sex with a teenage boy. IMHO no crime was committed.

    Call me sexist, but an older woman going after a teenaged boy is NOT the same as a man going after a teenage girl. The latter is a sexual predator who belongs in jail. The former is EVERY young boys dream. I sure wish I had known a woman like that when I was 14!!!

    The boy who testified against this angel of mercy should have his ass kicked.

  2. Well, well. Nothing like a double standard, is there?

  3. What if she'd gotten pregnant, or given him an STD?

    14-year-old children are emotionally mature enough for all the repercussions of a sexual affair with adults, Larry?

    What if it wa a different "crime," say, keeping and bearing arms when the state says you can't?

    So there should be different punishments based on sex and looks, and according to you, that should be the basis of determining whether a crime has even been committed?

    Sorry, Larry--what you call an "angel of mercy" I call a selfish, sick monster.

  4. What I want to know is where are all the feminists? Shouldn't they be angry as Hell with the judge, with Larry and anybody else that says the criminal in this case must be given special treatment and more lenient sentencing because of her sexual inferiority to males which can and should be properly punished, but it is too harsh for females?

    I guess we all know why there is a double standard, now, don't we? Even the feminists agree with Larry that women are lesser beings than men.

  5. Of course there is a double standard, when it comes to sex! Surely you're not one of those people who believe that women and men are identical (except for genitals), just because they have equal rights under the law?

    It's a GOOD thing for a boy to lose his virginity as a teenager, its something to brag about. A lot of teenagers brag about it, even when they haven't done it! Now of course it's totally different for a girl.

    What are you some kind of prude?

  6. Let me guess, Larry--you're like, 19 or something.

    Surely you're not one of those people who think that women don't want sex just as badly as men? If that's your experience, what's wrong with your technique?

    Because this is true, you would deny a young girl the thrill and bragging rights of getting nailed by a "hunk" teacher?

    What are you, some kind of misogynist?

  7. I am not 19, I'm 46, and had I been offered an opportunity like that when I was 14, you can bet it all I would have taken it. Having said that, though, I'd go after her to the fullest extent of the law had she done this with my son.


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