Thursday, December 08, 2005

Welcome, Friend

Check out the comment in this post by Gregorscoff.

People can change. When they do, it's incumbent on us to welcome them into the fold, and not hold past differences against them.


  1. Gregorscoff, I do not want to seem uncharitable, but I know of no way to ask this and not seem abrasive. However, it is something I think maybe you can answer. I hope so.

    Before your conversion, while you were a liberal did you just not think outside your own skin? Did the consequences to others of the failed policies you supported not matter or were you just unaware there were consequences?

    Both those questions sound combative, I know, but I don't mean them to be. I am trying desperately to understand the mindset from which you have converted. Perhaps we could be more successful in bringing more to our side from persuasion and logic, if we knew what made the attraction of the left is, instead of having to wait for them to suffer personally.

    I know you can't speak for everybody, but would you mind exposing why you were on that other side. Obviously you have the abilitiy to think logically, it didn't take you very long to see the problems once you were aware of the situations that have been wrought. So, I guess I wonder at your earlier absence from the philosophy you now hold.

    Please accept my apology if I have offended you. I do not mean to do so. I am just curious in the extreme.

    If this whole note is found offensive, David C., I will not be upset if you delete it.

  2. Oh and Gregorscoff, welcome. We need all the liberty driven we can get.

  3. straightarrow--you have carte blanche here--as I've told you in private correspondence, your writing is insightful and compelling. I think about the only time I ever deleted something here was spam.

    Those are great questions--I followed Gregorskoff's link to HIS site, but didn't see a way to email him--I hope he comes back and comments, because you're right--any insight that helps us communicate better will be valuable.

  4. In the words of Paul Heinreid,"Welcome back to the fight,this time I know we will win."


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