Friday, December 16, 2005

Who Needs Goebbels When You've Got The Post?

I would like to express the personal and professional thanks of 25,000 active New York City police officers for The Post's efforts to put some strength into existing gun laws," an appreciative Patrolmen's Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch wrote in a letter to The Post.

"The New York City PBA will stand shoulder to shoulder with the New York Post in its effort to force the changes in Albany that will give some judicial muscle to New York's anti-gun laws," Lynch continued. [More]
Kudos from one police state propagandist to another. I wonder how Polizeiführer Lynch's letter would sound in its original German?

I just noticed who wrote this latest Post article. And they say there are no coincidences.


  1. NYC has created a target rich environment for rapists, robbers, killers, and other assorted thugs with its denial of the right to tools of self defense. We never hear this outcry of outrage over the death of a non cop citizen. We certainly don't hear it when the cops shoot and kill an innocent citizen, of which there are numerous examples. Bear in mind that the citizens that die by violence are, by law, unarmed.

    Two armed policemen die and somehow that outweighs the dozens of deaths of citizens that aren't policemen. What more indication is necessary as to the contempt the cops and the politicians hold for the ordinary citizen?

    I am sorry these two policemen died, but not as sorry as I am for the others that die. At least these officers had a chance to defend themselves. That they died is tragic. That the average citizen does not even have the chance of saving his own life is obscene.

  2. NYC creates the situation that prevails, then blames everybody in the western hemisphere for the forseeable results except themselves.

    One other thought. Why is the death of a cop more tragic than the death of an accountant, plumber, broker, butcher? As stated above, at least the cops had a chance.


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