Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A UK Tragedy

The mother of the two women gunned down at a family barbecue has called for a public inquiry into the use of firearms and how to protect the public from them.
What, like make them more illegal? And note the complaint that authorities did not arrive for more than an hour after the incident--while people were mortally wounded and with children in the house.

This story is pitiable in more ways than one. This is what a once great people have been reduced to: public policy based on gnashing and wailing.

This is what some would reduce us to.

Not while some of us draw breath.


  1. If you take away a people's ability to defend themselves, they'll vote themselves into a police state, simply for their own safety.

  2. I'll bet her daughters would still be celebrating her birthdays if one or more other people had been there with their guns.


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