Friday, March 17, 2006

What's So Odious About Andrew Greeley?

Thank you, Andrew Greeley, for hitting it right on the head about the hunting of helpless animals with high-powered weapons and calling it a sport. These so-called sportsmen are nothing more than murderers who want to prove their manhood.
From the Chicago Sun-Times, fourth letter down. The article the writer was praising appears here.

Look at all the prejudicial assumptions the "Reverend" Greeley makes about hunters and fishermen:
A fisherman holds up his catch to be admired and photographed, usually with a stupid smile of pride on his face and a can of beer in his hand.
Yuk, yuk--what a hick! Or how about this?
Better that they kill small animals than other human beings, much less their spouse and children.
Yeah--we see that happening all the time with these sick psycho morons. (Andrew--when?)

Or consider:
Maybe human males are less likely to engage in drunken barroom brawls if they have knocked off earlier in the day a covey of birds or a family of deer or triumphed over a fighting muskie.
Y'know, now that you mention it, I haven't killed anything yet today, and by golly, I DO feel like kicking someone's ass...

Yes, Andrew, we pull the wings off flies and step on lines of ants, just to sate our blood lust. Or how about:
[Th]e toll of sportsmen killed by other sportsmen every year shows just how eager the men with guns are to pull the trigger.
Damn straight. We shoot the hell out of each other in the woods and--what's that? Two hunting fatalities in all of Texas last year? Nationally, over 473 times as many injuries are sustained playing football? And what's this?
I'm not a vegetarian...
No, Andrew, you're not. Let me tell you what you are.

Oh, wait. I already did. And you didn't have the guts or the intellect to respond.

[Thanks to HZ for calling the letter to my attention]


  1. Trouble is, these guys don't know the first rule of being a man. DON'T WHINE. The insipid caterwauling of these men-in-waiting is enough to make a billy goat puke. If you don't like hunting, take up knitting, nancy-boy. Don't EVEN bother to start with laws and regulations and protests and hissy fits. When it comes to the MEN's response, it will get ugly.

  2. David,

    I read the other comments from the letters section there as well.


    I really could not believe what some of the people said as fact, it was shocking!

    From Thomas Mannard, executive director,
    Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence

    We heard such drivel as "Assault weapons are made for military use and are designed to rapidly spray multiple rounds over a wide area."

    And this little gem of wisdom "The fact is that only assault weapons have the ability to fire so many rounds in such a short period of time over a city block."

    Or how about this crap from
    Ervin S. Niemira,
    West Town

    "These so-called sportsmen are nothing more than murderers who want to prove their manhood."
    "If you want to prove your manhood, go hunt other humans, who shoot back, such as in wars, not helpless animals."

    And this "fact"???
    "The ammunition and gun manufacturers make huge amounts of money selling these murderous wares and fishing gear, calling it sporting goods." Yeah.. Right, Tell that to Winchester's (former) employees.

    I cannot understand how people can so blatantly state BS as "facts".

    I am ashamed these people are Americans.

  3. (sigh) You've got to be kidding me. Is somebody a murderer for killing a water buffalo in Africa and then donating most of the meat and other parts to a needy local tribe?

    To think I was once as ignorant and bombastic as this yutz...

  4. Ven ze state achieves its victorious goal of complete subjugation of ze people, Herr Greeley vill think differently. Of zat I can assure you.

    Let us take a brief look at ze historical record. Ve shall examine a statement by a man of ze cloth. Herr Martin Niemoller, German Lutheran Pastor;

    "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;

    Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;

    Then they came for me - and there was NO ONE LEFT to speak out."

    Ze state will utilize Herr Greeley's ignorance as long as is deemed necessary. Once he has proven himself useless, ve shall dispense vith him as vell!

    Seig Heil!


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