Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dundee Herbivores Claim Partial Victory

The village board decided at its meeting Monday night that no more guns can be sold in the historic downtown business district -- almost.
Because, as we've already established, guns and American history just don't mix.


  1. First the states and now the municipalities, (although, in reality its been going on a while), are allowed to infringe. The Constitution is now, officially, a moot point. Why even continue with the ruse anymore? Why don't they just stand up and say 'We don't care about the Supreme law'! 'The law is what we say it is'!

    Is that not what they are, indeed, doing anyways?

  2. One of the Supreme Court Jesters said exactly that, E.David.

  3. well, of course municipalities have the power to infringe the uninfringeable.

    Remember, the only federal agency whose sole purpose for existence is violation of the constitution and every American citizen,says failure to abide by all local regulations, ordinances,laws, and zoning regulations is also a federal felony.

    Peculiar that we let the crooks and criminals determine who is a felon, isn't it?

    Make no mistake any employee of the BATF****Everybody is a criminal engaged in organized criminal activity. And so is any governmental body the seeks to emulate them.

    I am afraid there can be no passive resistance or civil disobedience stratagems that have a chance of working. The penalties are already in place and they are as severe as would be the penalties for armed resistance.

    The dumb bastards don't realize they are making inevitable the very thing none of us want to see, but that many of us will participate in when the monster can no longer be tolerated as merely inconvenient.

    The biggest danger is the spread of the belief that a popular vote or a ruling body can negate the rights of individuals. Think back to when everybody, literally everybody, was amazed that the highest levels of government would try it. Now every jumped up little group thinks to deny others what they have no legitimate power to even touch is acceptable.

    Gentlemen, we have lost the War. Now all we can do is punish our abusers or accept what they have done. I have made it personal. My person is inviolate. There is a penalty to be paid by all that make an attempt. If someone attempts to steal what is mine, retribution will continue until I am dead. I will not die alone.

  4. zoning boards, well it's obvious that they're part of the world wide communist government. Where else would a group of unelected busybodies be allowed to control other peoples property and life?

    Anyone up for overthrowing Cuba and restarting America using that constitution thing? As a fair warning, gunfire will be heard whenever I feel like shooting, safely of course. Past that, I couldn't give a crap what you do.

  5. Hmmm...Throw out all the communist thugs...tropical paradise... Not a bad idea, Hobbit!

  6. Laughing my ass off here, boss. I hope I'm around and cognizant when the leftist hits the fan, and all these sheeple realize: I don't have a gun or ammo allthough I want one really bad: I can't buy one anywhere either. It will come to this. The scum of the earth will be raping and pillaging, burning and terrorizing, getting water to drink will be extremely difficult, food nigh impossible, safety, sleep, medicine, doctors, relaxation, peace of mind, comfort of any kind just as bad. Children will be terrified, crying, inconsolable, and in terrible danger. And what you have in your hands (or not) is going to mean the difference between survival and stability or painful and agonizing death, for you and yours. Or maybe the nightmare of slavery, hard labor for a few months, the sheer agony of not knowing what became of your family, the absolute total degradation of yourself beforehand, and then death. And to think. I could have defended myself and my family. If I'd had the guts. Sitting here shaking my head and laughing, boss. Think it ain't happening? Take and hour and write down all the crap that's going on, and how far down we are from what our FATHERS had, and let it sink in. This nonsense ain't going to go on forever. Somethings' gotta give.


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