Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Assault on Home Rule

Ohio lawmakers recently voted to override Gov. Bob Taft's veto of a bill wiping out local gun laws. When they did that, they may as well have declared open season on cities' 94-year-old "home rule" right to govern themselves in accord with local needs and wishes as laid out in the state constitution.
Of course, if "home rule" involved, say, a First Amendment issue that we disagree with, say, putting a manger up in the town square over Christmas, we'd be squealing like the indignant piglets that we are.

Forget the "supreme law of the land" and "unalienable rights." It's much easier to assault those, and declare open season on sovereign citizens.

And newspapers wonder why their bottom lines are tanking. Don't these 10-year-old girls have some permit holder names to publish or something?


  1. There's a guy name of Suddes that is always in the Plain Dealer whining about the gun lobby. He just had a piece last week simultaneously arguing that:

    1) NRA lobbyists use scare tactics to get money from gun owners, which they then use to line their own pockets, and

    2) State legislators are in thrall to the gun lobby (in other words, lobbying works).

    Most recently, he was complaining that the Ohio Constitution was a white male document (Tom Suddes is a white male moonbat, but I digress...a little).

    Quoting John Wayne: "Life is tough. It's a lot tougher if you're stupid."

  2. You have to wonder if these newspapers would defend home rule so diligently if their copy had to be reviewed and approved by the city councils and/or mayors of these cities wielding veto power over any story or reportage they don't like.

    I think there isn't much to wonder about there, don't you? Funny when it is someone else's ox how cheaply we hold principle.

  3. Just look to the crime rates in the cities with bans and you'll see how well their home rule has been doing.

    they're just used to people not questioning their power. Cleveland's a joke, stop snickering, the last mayor wanted people to "adopt" trash cans because of the budget, she never once thought about cutting the 21 council seats in a shrinking town of high taxes, or the handout program.

    The only thing Jackson's done is to go after hookers..I think he used the cops and wasn't out shopping, but one can never tell here.

    Kookcinich has just made it easier for terrorists from Canada to get in by leaning on the coast guard and banning them from live fire training on Erie.

    I hope someday Ohio will get it's stuff together, but I doubt it. I think we're on the fast track to the "coast" mentality and that's frightening


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