Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm King of the World!

Asked what rules they would make if they were king or queen of the world, the number one response from the under-10s was to ban knives and guns.
What more needs to be said about the mindset and maturity of those who would disarm free men and women?

And while this survey was conducted in the UK, I don't see much difference in the vacuous and materialistic attitudes of children in this country. Give 'em another decade and they'll be voting.


E. David Quammen said...

You can bet rhat the traitors, whom appear to be, in control here. Are working hard to get the same mindset established in our children.

Anonymous said...

Don't get too worried. I probably had the same idea at that age, and I came around...

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Doc, and welcome! But there are too few of you who make that transition. Most of those who are indoctrinated remain committed gun-haters for life.

Anonymous said...

That article makes me think what my soon-to-be son would say if he were asked that question.

I'm hoping for something like...

"Every household would have a gun for protection."

Or if he's a precocious child...

"The ancient concept of royalty is an illogical, disturbing belief that has been perpetuated mindlessly through cultures across the world for thousands of years. It has needlessly invoked the suppression of countless millions in the world and created classes of supposedly superior people based solely on bloodline."