Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Blunder Down Under?

A review of gun laws a decade after the Port Arthur massacre has found all states and territories have breached the national firearms agreement.
Now hold on just a dang minute here...

We were told a week ago that Australian gun laws are responsible for reducing all kinds of mean and nasty things in the past 15 years...

Now we're told those laws weren't enforced. Pretty darn near universally, it seems.

My head hurts.


  1. Excellent! They're slipping. They can't keep their stories straight. Which means they either think the people are complete morons. Or, they are so confident of their usurpations that they don't care their masks are coming off.

    By still trying to subvert. It gives reason to believe they still have fear of the people.... GOOD. Hope the Aussies catch on to it.....

  2. State gun laws "against the law"? I don't think so.

    All members of the "gun community" in Oz know full well that the laws that each of the states have implemented are different. Besides which there is NO FEDERAL LAW that relates.

    The Oz constitution gives gun control powers to the states, and the Federal government had to use the (illegal) threat of refusing to hand over (unrelated) money collected by the Fed govt on behalf of the states to force gun law changes. (The states delegated to the Fed govt their right to collect income taxes during WW2, and the Fed Govt never relinquished it.)

    As a result the laws enacted by the states were either the minimum that they had to do to get the money, or the most they could get away with while blaming the Fed govt, all depending on the gun control orientation of the State govt.

    Western Australia actually EASED restrictions while complying with the Fed govt demands.

    As a gun owner in WA, I now have MORE and more powerful guns than before the new laws, but had to give up my semi-auto long guns and handguns over .38" (Note: that's literal not .38 Special)

    In contrast the non-shooters are regularly duped into believing that Oz has "uniform gun laws" in all states, and that the exercise has made us all safer.

    In summary, a farce, achieving nothing but political point-scoring.


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