Friday, December 01, 2006

We're the Only Ones Outraged Enough

Fairfax County police officials want to suspend for three weeks without pay the officer who accidentally shot and killed Salvatore J. Culosi, an unarmed optometrist being investigated for sports gambling, according to an internal affairs report.

The punishment recommended for Officer Deval V. Bullock in the shooting, which occurred in January, has outraged fellow officers, who said it is too harsh...

"The discipline is very disproportionate to prior [shooting] cases," said Officer Marshall Thielen, president of the Fairfax police officers union.
So if someone "accidentally" shot and killed one of your loved ones, Marshall, you'd be out there saying a three week suspension is "too harsh"?

And this is "disproportionate"? You mean they consider the lives of We the People to be worth less than that? At least we know the value "The Only Ones" place on us.

[Via Benson]


  1. The more I see of this, the less the Only Ones' lives mean to me. The more they maintain that "us vs. them" mentality the more we have it in return.

  2. Here, Here Crotalus! I agree completely. Every time I read about the only ones, I am thankful I live in a small town with a good man for police chief. He is pro gun, controls his officers, who are courteous to a fault, and has told me several times if they come to confiscate the firearms of anyone in this town, he will shoot them. I told him he better call me and I'll help. God help us if he ever leaves.

  3. Since when did the welfare and safety of the servant become paramount to that of those they are supposed to be serving? The premise of that contention does not make even the slightest bit of sense. Nor, can any use of reasonable logic ever support such a conclusion.

    The People, with OUR Constitution, ARE the Legitimate, Supreme and Ultimate Auhority. As well as the Sovereign of our government system.
    Those employed by OUR government are there to SERVE us.

  4. If I'm not mistaken negligent homicide is a felony which garners penetentiary time, as it should. That is the least crime for which this man is eligible for prosecution and possibly if there were any men in that law enforcement environment first degree murder would be an option.

    That these cowardly bully bastards are whining that this murderer is going to have a 21 day unpaid vacation tells us much about their characters, which are dark and deficient in the extreme.

  5. What I just loved was this: Thielen, union attorney Edward J. Nuttall and numerous officers said an oral or written reprimand is typically given when a Fairfax officer accidentally shoots someone.

    My thought: Just how the hell often do you people 'accidentally' shoot someone?!?


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