Monday, January 08, 2007

"Gun Control" and the New Congress

American firearm owners’ rights already at issue during the 110th Congress...Any possibility that gun control and the individual Second Amendment civil right to keep and bear arms would be shelved as legislative and political issues during the 110th Congress came to a crashing end last week as Representatives were sworn in on Capitol Hill.
There has been no shortage of observers soothing us with predictions that citizen disarmament will be on the back burner because "we" elected so many "pro-gun Democrats." I agree with Mr. Snyder. This group of radical subversives hasn't even started rolling up its sleeves yet, but gun owners haven't been forgotten.

And once an animal tastes blood...


  1. from the article: "H.R. 73, the Bartlett bill, would protect the right to obtain firearms for security and to use firearms in defense of self, family, or home, and to provide for the legal enforcement of such right."

    I'm guessing the bill is too new, or something--I can't find any more information about it. It sounds good, but I'd like to see what, specifically, it does. Can anyone point to a link?

  2. Sounds like a new number assigned to HR 347, the "Citizens Self Defense Bill"--he's been trying to push that through for over 8 years now. Don't look for any positive action to come out of this congress on that.

  3. Yep--I imagine you're correct about the nature of the bill, and I also agree that it's not likely to even make it out of committee (I know the national reciprocity bill went nowhere during the time of Republican hegemony--I certainly don't expect the new congress to be any better).

  4. The revolution just might start sooner than I had anticipated.....

  5. I don't think discouragement is the right mood. . .frankly, the Republicans did us no favors at all, except for letting the AWB die.

    Face it: neither major party is actual a friend of gun rights. The Republicans rely on us more than the Dems do, so most of them give lip service, but a pol is a pol: manure in human form these days.

    Montana Libertarian


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