Monday, January 08, 2007

Maybe it's Just Me...

...but I find it hard to believe that the developing Wayne Fincher story isn't something that would be of interest to members of major "gun lobby groups," and I'm wondering why they've not informed their members.

I'm also wondering why the same "gun lobby groups" that made such political hay out of George Bush proclaiming the Second Amendment an individual right have not commented on his administration's apparent regression to the "collective rights" position.

Those of us who think these developments are significant are manning the bucket line and the well is going dry. Meanwhile, we can't even get the people who constantly hit gun owners up for money to look out the windows of their mansions and yell "Fire!"

If I were the cynical type I might read intent into the silence.


  1. I'd be shocked to see the NRA get involved--they're all about "enforcing the laws on the books." I have some hope for GOA, though.

  2. Grassroots effort looks like the only viable solution. Trick is, getting people to see just how dangerous the continuing encroachments by government are.

    Wayne is getting plenty of play on the hometown press. The commentary on the news articles about him is, for the most part, encouraging

  3. If that's the case, EDQ, then here's hoping we don't have another "Profile in Apathy."

    Wayne needs money to defend himself. Any bets that despite all the grassroots chatter he's only received a trickle?

    I sent a contribution. Anyone else?

  4. There's a reason for it. Many gun owners and gun rights groups are afraid of machine guns. Just notice how quick they are to say "But that's not a a machine gun, and they're highly regulated" whenever the media goes on about "assualt weapons" These gun owners/groups don't have a problem with the regulation of machine guns. Therefore, they won't help support anyone who has one.

  5. the NRA called a few times last week. Never answered, but I should have...I can imagine the reaction I would get when after letting them go through their "democrats and UN want your guns " spiel and faced with a question such as "what are you doing for Wayne Fincher?"

    dial tone.

    Next time they call I'll ask, they always want money so it'll be soon.

    besides the obvious "follow the money" and "we don't want to be seen as extremists to give the democratic congress ammo at this time" kind of crap why don't they care? probably because they have money to leave, hire armed goons, or build bigger walls.

    I am the cynical type. I'm reading, and I think lots of other people are too. But are we doing anything about it?

  6. I read intent into their silence. But then I thought they had betrayed me when they started writing gun control legislation.

    I did. Wasn't as much as I wanted, but all I could. Will try to send more again, later.


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