Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Menino Presses for Nation of Merinos

Boston, facing a spike in gun violence and murders, will press the new Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives to come up with tougher national gun laws, Boston's mayor said on Tuesday.
Great idea! Make everywhere in the land just like Boston! That way, the whole country can achieve record murder rates!

And every Thanksgiving, we can all hide from turkeys!

Keep whistling past that graveyard and listen to those who tell us the new Congress isn't interested in putting more gun control on the front burner. Does anybody seriously not believe we're just an incident and a blood dance away...?


  1. Nobody honest will say we are more than an incident and a blood dance away.

    So be prepared to hear a lot of denial, while they shine up their dancing shoes.

  2. Something tells me that 1934, 68' and 94' are going to look like minor restrictions. In comparison to what the demonrats are plotting against our "inalienable" right. The cowardice found in most of the sheeple will help to ensure our demise....


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