Sunday, December 31, 2006

Just Like Boston

Hamilton County Sheriff Simon Leis said he supports a proposed program to curb gun violence in Cincinnati.

The program...dropped gun-related deaths in Boston nearly 70 percent in 18 months and has been replicated in about 20 cities around the world.
Sure it did:

Boston's homicide count last year not only hit a 10-year high, but also took one of the biggest jumps for a city of its size, a Globe review found.

Boston's death toll increased by 17 percent to 75, the sixth-highest percentage increase among 15 cities with comparable populations surveyed.

1 comment:

E. David Quammen said...

Hamilton County Sheriff Simon Leis - Lying liars and the lies that they tell. Amazing how bold-faced some are. But, the sheep keep lapping it up nonetheless......