Saturday, January 27, 2007

Time for Another "Only Ones" Carnival

Y'know, I really didn't set out to have "Only Ones" stories dominate today's postings. I never do.

But the tips, as well as results from my own headline searches, just keep coming in, and I find I only have time, space and inclination to post a fraction of them--I routinely see newslinks over at KABA and other places that I just can't get around to addressing.

A while back, WarOnGuns hosted an "Only Ones" Carnival, and I think it's time to hold one again.

The rules are simple:
  • If you have a blog, post an "Only Ones" story and send me the link. Please include the words "Only Ones" in your blog post title.
  • If you don't have a blog, send me the link to an "Only Ones" story you found in the news. Also tell me how you wish to be credited (name/nickname)
The new Carnival will be posted next Friday, Feb. 2, just in time to kick off a festive weekend. If you'd like to participate, you have until the Thursday evening cutoff to get in your entries. Send them to me at:
And remember:
The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only the police are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly when they're involved in gun-related incidents.

If you're new to "The Only Ones Files," I credit the title to Lee Paige, the DEA agent who shot himself in the foot in front of a classroom full of children immediately after telling them "I'm the only one in this room professional enough that I know of to carry this Glock .40."

1 comment:

  1. We really do need to create an award for the annual "Only Ones" winner. A little statuette of Lee Paige looking down and seeing that he shot himself. Call the award the On-Lee.

    Right now I'd have to vote for the member of Bloomberg's Mayors Against The Second Amendment who was charged with carrying concealed on school property.


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