Sunday, October 29, 2006

Carnival of "The Only Ones"

Hurry, hurry, hurry...

Welcome to the festival. This one was put together on short notice, so participation's kind of scant--still, we have a few outstanding attractions, so let's head on down the Midway and take a look at them...

A Keyboard and a .45 showcases "We're the 'Only Ones' Who Can Not Tell Black From White!"
The eye witnesses to the suspect escaping from the crash were police officers who described the man as a young black man in a hoodie with a .22 pistol. It appears that the suspect somehow morphed into a young white man, wearing a blue sweatshirt and carrying an assault rifle.
A Friend of Freedom doesn't have a blog, but wanted to set up a table here at the Carnival to call our attention to a sideshow that could be called "We're the Only Ones Stung Enough":
Two Chicago cops were arrested Wednesday in an FBI sting for allegedly stealing $31,000 from self-storage lockers they thought were rented by a drug dealer.
Likewise, Cousin G wanted in on the act, so he's standing by the Big Tent handing out flyers titled "We're the Only Ones Presenting Opportunities Enough":
The Money Quote: "Investigators said Parkey's guns were in a gun safe but that the safe was not locked."
Cousin G also directs us to a follow-up to this story, something that could be called "We're the Only Ones Sheltered by the Media Enough":
The veteran officer - the Sun is not naming him yet - was suspended from duty with pay on Thursday.

Meanwhile, over at the side shows, Free Constitution wins "Best of Freak Show" hands down. Forget Siamese Twins or The Two-Headed Boy, he's got an "Only One" who can be TWO PLACES AT ONCE! Meet "We're the Only Ones Sick & Fraudulent Enough":
[M]eet Retired Police Officer Charles B. Lincoln who managed to work two government jobs, while giving the effort required of one.
Dang, it, Stan. I hate it when you reveal how the trick works. Spoils the magic.

Finally, we have a Cornucopia of Carnival Coppers right here at The War on Guns:

"We're the only Ones in the Wrong Place Enough,"

"We're the Only Ones Career-Minded Enough,"

"We're the Only Ones [G]un Controlled Enough,"

and many more rides and attractions, including the original vault where we keep "The Only Ones Files."

That wraps up the guided portion of The Carnival of the Only Ones. Feel free to stroll around the Midway and enjoy the sites, the sounds, the shows.

And remember:
The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only the police are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly when they're involved in gun-related incidents.


Anonymous said...

My gratitude to Lee Paige -- who inspired this entire unholy mess! >:oD

AlanDP said...

Here's hoping he someday Googles his own name and discovers what he's created.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Lee Paige shall have his place in history, but what David has spun from Paige's gaffe is pure genius.

E. David Quammen said...

If you want to here about a BIG slip-up by one of the 'Only One's'
check this out:

Rumsfeld lets the Truth slip out

Found it from a poster on KABA named TimJenkin.

E. David Quammen said...

Oooops, I pulled a 'Rumsfeld', that was meant to be; 'If you want to hear', not here.