Wednesday, August 01, 2007


In a stunning reversal, US Attorney Deborah Ferguson has gone back on her agreement to withdraw harassment complaints against Red's Trading Post. She is apparently angered over Ryan Horsley's recent public statements defending his actions.

More will be released on this story pending a statement from Mr. Horsely. WarOnGuns will continue to follow developments as they occur.

[More about Red's Trading Post from WarOnGuns]


  1. David,

    These scraps of human feces that call themselves the ATF have forever separated themselves from honorable society.

    You see, they kill without remorse (Waco and many more) and they have been willing to "fabricate" reality as they see fit (as these folks keep doing). Seems to me when a member of society does such things they are locked up for "their own good and that of the community".

    Perhaps time for them to dance to the same music that those who are not "the only ones" face? I think so.

    Thank Heavens that I still have my 1st Amendment rights, as these fools (and others) seem so quick to take my others. Remember folks...the law of unintended consequences...

    David, thank you for keeping the light on these cockroaches - lest they scurry under a rock and hide.

  2. Dear Deborah Ferguson,

    Since you feel no obligation to keep your agreements and you have exhibited tendencies toward lawlessness and coercion under color of authority would it be remiss of me to ask,"Is it that time of the month?"

    I know that is terribly sexist, but I sincerely hope that is the cause of your misbehavior and lack of integrity regarding your duties and your agreements with others. I would rather think you are hormonally imbalanced than be in the position of having to attribute your reprehensible behavior to your character.

    That would bespeak gravely ill of your character. Please say you are just menstrually stressed and not the martinet you appear to be.

  3. SA, she can't admit that, she'd be out of a job, or at least gunless...oops, forgot about the different rules they play by.

  4. Of course, she could just be evil.


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