Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gary from Billings

We showed yesterday how we have a choice to either lead or snipe from the sidelines. I wanted to share an email exchange I just had with "Gary," the gun owner who has taken it on himself to lead the effort in his home town to spread the word about the August 28 Ammo Buy :

I dropped off flyers at the 3 remaining ‘big box’ sporting goods stores, Billings Gunsmith, and 2 pawn shops. I also wrote a letter to the editor of the Billings Gazette flagrantly plagiarizing your post. Will concentrate on the remaining pawn shops tomorrow with some help from coworkers. Will be emailing the info to every sportsman in my address book tonight.

My response:

Gary, thank you. If there was one gun owner like you in every city, we'd be winning this thing. I just saw another forum idiot put the idea down and recommend a 'solution' that would require a thousand times the effort--with of course no pledge that he would do a thing toward making it happen.

I appreciate your leadership.

I'd appreciate yours, too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the honorable mention, but I'm just one little fish trying to keep from being eaten alive by that school of piranah that has become our Govt.


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