Friday, August 24, 2007

Gun Groups Speak Out for Dealers

Members of Senator Larry Craig and Senator Mike Crapo's staff were there among others. GOA-Gun Owners of America, JPFO-Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, NRA-National Rifle Association and NSSF-National Shooting Sports Foundation submitted letters on behalf of firearms dealers...

It'd be nice if this focuses the spotlight of oversight on the overseers. I told Ryan I hope his attorneys are mindful of the implications of this report:

BATFU doesn't inspect all dealers routinely and with standardized protocols, but they have the resources to pick Red's to death with arbitrary made-on-the fly "rules" on a continual basis--even though they know no serious violations exist. In other words, they aren't doing their "job," but they somehow have time and resources for a vendetta.

Mind you, I'm not calling for more resources to help them do this--I'd like to see them go away completely. But if they are going to exist, they ought to be bound by a thick leash that prevents them from making things personal, which is clearly what has been happening to Ryan.

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