Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Prosecute Our Trespasses

"We want sensible gun laws," Jackson said. "You don't hunt with M-16s. You blow holes in tanks with those weapons. They were built just to kill people."

Jesse, listen to yourself. Truth literally has no place in your posturing, does it?

Just how ignorant are your and Snuffy Pfleger's followers, anyway?

Any bets on whether the jury nullifies?


  1. S'pose he didn't mean plastic agricultural sprayer tanks? Only ones I can think of where it'd work. =]

  2. One question for all these brave motorscooters; Why don't you demonstrate and make your threats to "snuff out" in front of the gangbangers' crack houses?

  3. So... If .223 can "blow holes in tanks," shouldn't the entire universe have been rent asunder the first time someone fired a .300 Win Mag?


  4. His demands are as sensible as his claim that M-16's blow holes in tanks.
    It's degrading to have enemies so ignorant.
    I suppose his mind was already gone when he took his pregnant mistress with him to visit President Clinton at the White House.
    Looks like Jesse's going to take his time going out and it's going to be a long, ugly process. Should be fun! Messy, but fun!


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