Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Set Phasers on "Puke"

It looks like a big flashlight — but it's really a nonlethal weapon designed to make you sick.

I have to wonder if some kind of protective lens goggles would defeat this thing...


  1. To defeat it...

    1) Close eyes
    2) Engage "street sweeper" weapon of choice (you know, those evil looking assault weapons).

    Sorry...did I say that out loud?

  2. Wouldn't it be just like the gummint to spend 470 million dollars developing an "evil color" flashlight weapon which can be defeated by a ten dollar pair of sunglasses?

  3. Why do police hate epileptics? I see this working out really well in the lawsuit category.

  4. Here's an interesting point of discussion brought up by a commenter on another site:

    Are wielders more willing to use, or perhaps more accurately, prone to overuse a weapon if it is believed to be non-lethal?

    I don't have statistics on hand, or a reliable source, but it's an interesting side note.

  5. For your answer TJH just look at the overuse of mace and stun guns.

  6. A portable rave party, the criminals are shaking in their boots.

  7. is a tinfoil hat reflective enough?

    if not, just employ the correct countermeasure, a mirror.


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