Friday, October 26, 2007

Listing to the Left

It's so lax, in fact, that today, people on the federal terrorist watch list are not prohibited from purchasing guns.

You mean this watchlist? The one that's so ridiculously overstuffed with raw names that is growing at over 200,000 new "suspects" each year?

For this, the contemptible Louis Klarevas and his fascist fourth estate fifth columnist co-conspirators at The Daily News want to cast America's legal tradition of innocent until proven guilty into the trash heap, and deny basic human rights without due process?

Some people seem bound and determined to bring about a real-world demonstration on the true meaning of the Second Amendment. I'm not so sure we shouldn't encourage them.

Louis, for what it's worth, I don't believe you to be a fool. That leaves only one other likely possibility that I can think of.


  1. You're right, David.Louis isn't stupid; he's evil.

  2. I think it's both ignorance and evil. There are a huge number of Americans who fight against guns with good intentions, being purposely misled by those with evil intentions.

    The question is who can educate their countrymen the fastest?

    Keep up the good work, I'll be inviting folks to the range this week.

  3. So, Osama is urging his followers to take up arms against against Americans, in our own country. If that's the case, why does this dimbulb and his ilk, Lautenburg, Schumer, etc., want to take ours away? I don't want to encourage this clod, or the others, but a day of reckoning is approaching.

  4. Wow, another case of hypocrisy...they want the terrorists to have all the legal rights of Americans and the Americans to have no rights.

    The only thing I have to say to him is when you've destroyed the ability to fight back I hope your death is quick and you are judged harshly in the afterlife.


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