Tuesday, November 13, 2007

BBC...Fair and Balanced ...NOT!

From WarOnGuns Correspondent 1894C, we have a list of examples of "authorized journalism" in its purest and ultimate form. Seeing as how the BBC is an appendage of the state, that it would work toward their interests, rather than those of British subjects, is hardly surprising. Still, it's instructive to note how glaringly evident the anti-defense agenda is, or would be if people weren't conditioned to consume news as mindlessly as they do snacks:

Britain's changing firearms laws


How guns get into the hands of crooks


Who supplies the guns on our streets?


Gun crime: A glossary


Who makes the world's guns?


What can be done about gun crime?



Gun Control Network


Mothers Against Murder and Aggression


Stop The Guns (Operation Trident)


The notion is crystal clear, guns are violent (imagine the absurdity of an inanimate object being violent, but reason has nothing to do with it), gun owners are evil, and relinquishing your sovereign rights is the path to security. This message has blatant support by government across the UK in defiance of logic or facts, it is simply accepted. It is the future here unless gun owners stop it.....


  1. They made sure to mention criminal use under "who makes the worlds guns", but not a peep about how the American manufacturers made the guns in two wars and numerous other dust ups that SAVED THEIR ASSES. And of course nothing about the lawful,defensive,non-frothing uses to protect citizens from the scum of the earth living among them. The record of socialism as an institution is so bad, that only an intellectual can ignore it.

  2. They don't ignore it Sean, they embrace it. They believe if they bring it about they will fill the positions of power.

    They think they are driving the ship when in fact they are in the galley pulling the oars.

    However, due to their belief that they are running the ship they think this time it will be different and the intelligentsia won't be the first executed.

    Their lust for power has blinded them to harsher realities. They aren't ignoring history's record on socialism, they just think they will be the ones choosing whom to be rid of.

  3. Correspondent!


    I'm an official shill for the evil gun lobby media complex! Woo-Hoo!


    Seriously though, we all owe David a big note of thanks for his tireless efforts to highlight the continuing onslaught against our sovereign rights.

    I'm honored to contribute in some small part.

  4. Also note that a glossary of firearms terms like barrel, trigger, caliber...

    Are labeled as:
    "Gun crime: A glossary"

    Double speak! Bah!


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