Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Silencers are for Harpies Too

What you're doing isn't working. It's time to try something else, such as talking *to* us rather than *at* us. Because sitting right next to my bug-out bag is a rifle and 420 rounds of ammunition. Which you and yours are never going to take away from me, at least not while I draw breath.
Correspondent Peter gives a shrieking anti what-fer. (Scroll down the title-linked page for his comments.)

I'm actually surprised the editor allowed anything critical through, since last time people called Diva Lady Jayne to task, she took her ball and went home in a huff. Oh well, at least she still doesn't allow comments on her blog, so she can always hide out there, with her hands over her ears chanting "Lalalalala...." and fantasizing how "You may keep your guns, with my pleasure, I can think of no better solution to the problem of overpopulation."

She does remind me of her hero, John Lennon, in two ways, actually.

First she echoes his raw "artistic" arrogance:
I'm a genius …. What do I have to do to prove to you … who I am? And don't you dare criticize my work like that. You who don't know anything about it.
[Incidentally, if you've never heard National Lampoon's "Radio Dinner" send-up of this, you've missed one of the funniest recordings ever.]

And second, if anyone ever did pull a gun and start shooting at her, all she'd be able to do is "Twist and Shout."


  1. Point well made about her immaturity, David. But Peter brings up an unsettling possibility. Suppose one of "ours" hits his/her own tripwire, and a tragedy ensues? This is something I've feared for a long time. It could spin things totally out of context and control, and could result in the worst gun control scenario imaginable. While I'm aware a Pres.Hillary(spit) could be almost as bad, a What If situation with her(spit) in office could be exacerbated beyond the Brady Bunches wildest dreams. The whole thing reminds me of Revelations where " men's hearts fail them for fear". I see so many weird and irrational things happening everyday, I wonder at anyones sanity. Frau Blucher(Hillary)(spit)(horse neighing in backround) aside, I hope my fellow Patriots(not the N.E.variety,spit) take heed and walk circumspectly, and are as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves.

  2. More likely, the event will be arranged. You've read Matt Bracken's books, right?

  3. I think I wore her down about the comments.

    There were two each at AFP and at HuffPo. This was the fifth comment over her variously published articles since the first one on 30 Oct.

    What I found the most interesting was that the text changed after comments 3 and 4: the sentence that had 'weapons of mass destruction' and 'children' together disappeared, as well as that idiot kid's airsoft collections stopped being called an 'arsenal'.

    I can only conclude that she reads all the comments, whether or not they see the light of day.

    PS: I've finally admitted my Democratic roots. Can I still come here? :)

  4. Peter, what, are we confessing past sins? OK, my very first vote in a presidential election was for Walter freaking Mondale.

    And when I was a kid, I bought, assembled and painted the JFK in his rocking chair model kit by Aurora--and kept it on the headboard of my bed, where I also shelved all my "Man from UNCLE" paperbacks, so I was a big UN Only Ones worshipper too.

    Hey, one thing I've found in life, when you're as beautiful as I am, people don't mind if you're stupid.

  5. Don't think I've read anything by Matt Bracken, but I have read John Ross. In reply, I understand what you mean. OY! Forgot that angle. I could have voted for McGovern, but I just didn't vote, 'cause Nixon sent me to Cambodia, where I caught Denge fever and malaria and got my eybrows singed off by napalm. I had a man from U.N.C.L.E. gun, it shot 6mm bbs. First time I voted was for the Gipper. I will refrain from confessing past sins as I'm aware law enforcement sometimes monitors this site. Carter made me nauseous and Ford made me laugh. When I remember I voted for Bush three times (Dad,Son,Son) I break out in a rash and reach for the Maalox. Dole would have made a better Pres. than Slick.

  6. I tried to leave a comment but the site wouldn't accept it so I'll post it here.
    There are two ways for someone to argue his/her position on something: emotional or factual. Sure looks to me like you are totally emotional. I would suggest something to you, Great Brittan is custom made for someone that fears firearms. You are so emotionally afraid of firearms I would suggest that you could save yourself all of the emotional fretting and try living in the UK for a few years. It would be much cheaper for you and it would save you all of the terrible stress that you are in due to your fear of having to maintain your freedom. Why try to change those of us who love our freedoms and appreciate the tools (firearms) we have to maintain those freedoms when it would be so much easier for you to go and reside in a nation that already has everything you want?


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