Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So Who's the Liar?

I am sorry that you were offended by the“yahoo” comment; it actually referred to persons who shouted “yahoo” after common sense gun legislation was defeated within the judiciary committee.

Because the "Authorized Journalist" told us that Jewell said "Yahoos" were "the old boys with the boots and the guns."

On the one hand, Jewell says "I am a strong supporter of the right to bear arms" while shilling for the police state, so we know right off the bat he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. On the other hand, well, we're dealing with an anti-gun Philly opinion columnist here.

A politician or a big city media hack. Which one is lying? Talk about a real stumper!

Was anybody at the legislative committee meeting? Is there a recording of the event? Did someone really yell "Yahoo"? And did Jewell really make that remark to the "reporter"?

Some of us "Yahoos," code word for redneck, code word for rural white hick as used here, would like to know if we've been disparaged with a racist character slur by an elected representative of the people. And interestingly, the origin of the word as an interjection is a variation of "Yo-Ho," but noting the circumstances of this dispute we probably shouldn't go there.


  1. The term "Yahoo" first appeared in literature in "Gulliver's Travels."

    From Wikipedia:

    "A Yahoo is a legendary being in the novel Gulliver's Travels (1726) by Jonathan Swift.

    "Swift describes the Yahoos as vile and savage creatures, filthy and with unpleasant habits, resembling human beings far too closely for the liking of protagonist Lemuel Gulliver, who finds the calm and rational society of the Houyhnhnms far preferable. The Yahoos are primitive creatures obsessed with 'pretty stones' they find by digging in mud, thus representing the distasteful materialism and ignorant elitism Swift encountered in Britain. Hence the term 'Yahoo' has become synonymous with 'cretin,' 'dinosaur,' and/or 'Neanderthal.'"

    Sounds exactly like something that would come from Rep. Jewell Williams.

  2. "yahoo" a variation of "Yo Ho"?

    Harrr, Matey! So now we be pirates if we be ownin' guns?

    Shiver me timbers! It's a pirate's life fer me!

  3. >>Was anybody at the legislative committee meeting? Is there a recording of the event? Did someone really yell "Yahoo"? And did Jewell really make that remark to the "reporter"?

    I was present.

    I do not recall anyone yelling "yahoo". There was muted clapping after the vote on state pre-emption was taken. I can't comment on what Jewell said to any reporter.

    I don't have 2 hours to review my tape recording of the event in realtime, living through it once was plenty. If I can find time later, I'll listen to the few minutes around the clapping for signs of an audible "yahoo".

    I will also note that at the end of the proceedings, one of the co-chairs congratulated the audience for "maintaining decorum" throughout the proceedings.

  4. "Common sense gun legislation".... gag

    How I wish I could punch anyone who says that ridiculous, meaningless, phrase every time they utter it.

  5. "Common-sense gun legislation"= a total ban on all private firearm ownership, starting with handguns.

  6. This one got me a "visit" from DeptHomelandSecurity on my blog. My sitemeter (I got a screen shot of it) says they came by way of this blog. The masters are not pleased.


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