Saturday, November 03, 2007

The Peace Lover

Spanish movie star JAVIER BARDEM almost turned down his acclaimed new role in NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN - because he hates guns.

The peace-loving actor admits he was left scarred after holding a gun in the film Perdita Durango at the beginning of his acting career, and never wanted to do it again. [More]
Are you sure it was scarring? It sounds more like a bad case of diaper rash...

He's also apparently afraid of cars, is a self-centered hypochondriac whose phobias prevent him from helping those in need, is obsessed with AIDS movies, is incompetent at life in general, and fantasizes that if he were gay, he would "get married tomorrow, just to f*** with the church."

Sounds like a pretty wholesome, well-rounded guy, don't you think? Why our culture rewards these universe-revolves-around-my-navel exhibitionists and neurotics with wealth and fame is beyond my ken, but it does give us a pretty good profile of a classic hoplophobe male.

What such as he are prepared to do if they ever encounter someone who does not love peace is another story. I suspect giving his attacker what he wants--be it a wallet, a posterior or a target--would be the probable outcome. You know, something that really will scar him for life, provided he is allowed to live.

Eliot's Mess

Once they got driver's licenses under Gov. Spitzer's plan, illegal immigrants could arm themselves to the teeth simply by lying about their status, gun experts said Thursday...

Spitzer aides called such a scenario highly unlikely. If illegal immigrants wanted a gun, they'd more likely buy them on the streets, they reasoned.

If we go with the first paragraph, it means this avowed enemy of armed Americans is facilitating the arming of criminal aliens. If we accept the second, why it means that Eliot's political lifetime of subverting the right of the people to keep and bear arms has been in vain, and that [GASP!] "gun control" doesn't work...

I keep coming back to one grim reality though: anyone stupid enough to vote for this Marxist fraud probably is too stupid to own a gun.

[Via Russ Howard]

Magnificent Obsession

He asked the jury to consider whether Couchman was a collector or had an "unhealthy obsession with guns and was interested in their use".
There ya go, you gun lovers are just a bunch of sicko hoplophiliacs.

Maybe we can get that added to the list of qualifying mental disorders that will be reported as disqualifiers on the McCarthy/LaPierre NICS Funding Expansion bill...

Gonzo Guys Demonstrate Ignorance (Again)

David Hardy shows us they're telling people black powder rifles were designed to shoot down airliners.

Why anyone pays attention to these shrieking boobs is beyond me, and that's one of the reasons I won't directly link to them. Hardy does if you really feel a compelling need to read some stupid lies.

Bradys Fail to Kill in Two Florida Incidents--Will Try Again

For the second time in two days in South Florida, victims have opened fire on armed robbers. And both gunmen ended up dead.

In the latest incident overnight, a man sitting in a car alongside a woman was confronted by a man dressed all in black, wearing a ski mask and carrying a gun. He demanded money -- and to see the woman strip naked, Miami police said.
So just give him what he wants, right?

But here's the real outrage that this story represents: The Brady Campaign did it's best to derail Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law--misrepresenting it as a "Shoot First Law" that would allow nervous gun owners to get away with murder, and producing fliers, newspaper ads, billboards--even trying to scare tourists at airports with warnings they were in danger of being killed because of the new law. And leading the charge was Peter Hamm, someone who evidently feels being threatened is not sufficient grounds to shoot someone, but being called "Petey" is.

Make no mistake: Petey and his fellow subversives would rather the survivors in the above two incidents had been victims--as they most certainly would have been if the Bradys had their way. It would actually work out to their advantage, because there'd be fresh blood to dance in, fresh victims to jack up their donation request amount. And if a violent predator demanded Petey's money, and that he strip naked, he'd be helpless to do anything about it but snivel, whimper, plead and cry (assuming he objected) and, of course, give him what he wants.

[Via Sam]

This Day in History: November 3

Washington is informed that a conspiracy is afoot to discredit him with Congress and have him replaced by General Gates.