Monday, January 14, 2008

We're the Only Ones Shushing You Up Enough

Holy and his friend told police that Anderson and Loughridge pointed their guns at them and told them to get on the ground. Before the officers left, the report says, Anderson told Holy that he'd kill him if he said anything about the incident.
Now I want all of you contributing to this divisive "us vs them" mentality to just stop it, OK?

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]


  1. Officers Randy Anderson, 25, and Paul Loughridge, 48, each face a misdemeanor charge of deadly conduct in connection with the Dec. 27 allegation.

    "Misdemeanor charge of deadly conduct"?

    And here I was thinking that there's a disturbing trend to categorize everything as a felony.

  2. Hey at least they published their names !

  3. now how much you wanna bet if me and my buddy tried something like this, losing our jobs would be the least of worries

    I swear sooner or later someone is gonna start looking at all these cases of cops being bad and only get sanctioned or only getting fired and they are gonna drag that out in court as a defense citing unequal protection

  4. MRS,
    That will either be countered by 'sovereign imunity' or will just be disallowed by the judge, similiar to Fincher not being allowed to present the 2nd Amendment as his defense.

  5. So sovereign immunity protects officers from blatant violations of their authority? I thought it was intended to protect LEOs from spurious lawsuits arising from the need to get physical with a resisting suspect or from violations that were commited in good faith (like police conducting an illegal search when they had a good faith reason to do so).

    But blanket coverage, sounds like a set of laws that need to be overturned or trimmed down.


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