Thursday, February 21, 2008

"It's Certainly Not an Endorsement"

The National Rifle Association has added $2,500 to the campaign coffers of incumbent Sen. Tim Johnson.

It's the first time since the South Dakota Democrat ran for the Senate in 1996 that he has received support from the pro-gun organization, which promotes the Second Amendment and opposes more restrictions on gun ownership and possession.

Steve Jarding of Rapid City, Johnson's re-election campaign manager, said Wednesday that the NRA donation was "a big deal."

"It's not necessarily an endorsement," he said. "But sending financial assistance is certainly a form of support. To send it this early, I think, sends a signal that this organization feels pretty good about Tim Johnson."


And hmmm...

[Via Bruce W. Krafft]


  1. Who you give your money to is who you endorse and validate. You don't give your money to people and organizations with whom you are not like-minded.

    Why don't we call a spade a spade and outright declare the NRA to be fraudulent.

    I'm certain the NRA will have some excuse, but where the money goes says it all.

    Maybe Wayne and Sarah are kin.

  2. You can't keep selling the "cure", if you don't keep a disease around to cure.

    They want the problem, the solution will only lessen their grasp on members's wallets, and their perceived power inside the beltway. That is something they cannot tolerate and will do and have done all in their power to perpetuate the problem. Showing only enough progress to keep the hopeful sending in money and the cynical inviting them to sit at the table.

  3. Rats and cockroaches. The question is: How do we rid ourselves of the vermin?

    A very bright light.


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