Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thulsa Doom Produces Miracle Mucous--And the Crowd Goes Wild

Hey, this is some revival goin' on over at the Cult of Set .

I wonder if Chris Matthews had another moment of shrieking ecstasy?

I know Halle Berry says she'll "do whatever he says to do." George Clooney wants to stalk...uh...follow him around.

I wonder if anyone retrieved the kleenex. No, not for eBay, that would be sacrilegious--I'm thinking more along the lines of a relic for the ages, like the Shroud of Turin or a piece of the True Cross...


  1. ...and people said Ron Paul supporters went too far.....

  2. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. WTF?????

  3. "I wonder if anyone retrieved the kleenex."

    The Ghost of Slim Pickens sez: "I heared that a fella from the Smithsonian was standin' by with a net to collect the Kleenex, and that it'll be on special display there next week. Yup. Me and the Mrs. are sure lookin' forward ta seein' it. It's famous now, ya know!"

  4. When does he turn into a giant snake?

  5. Frankly, I think this has been overstated. The guy was sick; showed up to address the crowd anyway; had to stop to blow his nose; and got some mild applause as a show of support in an awkward moment. It fits with the messianic thing that's going on, but not all that much. His people really, really support him, and look at the POS that's supposed to be on our side.
    If McCainus was sick, people would leave so as not to catch his cold. Looks like death warmed over when he's well anyway. F- from GOA! Geez!

  6. "When does he turn into a giant snake?"

    In "Conan" that happened after Arnold showed up, but in real life, Arnold IS the snake and they're on the same side. Sorry.


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