Tuesday, February 19, 2008


"It would have allowed concealed weapons, loaded weapons, on the University of Idaho campus, and all the campuses in the state of Idaho," said White. "We just found that to be unacceptable."
"This is a balance between the rights of the second amendment, which is the right to bear arms, versus safety and security," he said.

Yeah, that must be why the Founders thought keeping and bearing arms was "necessary to the security of a free State."

And that must be why we should let ignorant "authorities" like this define which regions they find acceptable for us to exercise our rights.

So, Tim, just what exactly would you personally be prepared to do should someone ignore you and your regents by doing the "unacceptable" and bringing a gun on campus?

Aside from maybe having this pop out?


  1. Anyone who speaks of "balancing" rights with anything doesn't even begin to understand what a "right" is, but instead confuses it with its evil opposite, the privilege.

  2. I. Don't. Under. Stand.

    Why do people not see that gun free zones do nothing to stop the goblins? Zero. Nadda. Nothing.

    Give us a damn chance to defend ourselves, not crawl under a desk and hope not to be noticed while the cops wait outside to clean up.

  3. I guess pointing out the irony of the location would be a bit tired, but I have to. Moscow.

    "Other than that we do not want loaded weapons on our campus."

    Well, don't go broadcasting the fact that you have unarmed targets populating your classroom then comrade.

    "Give the responsibility for those decisions to where they lie, and that's with the university, and the regents of the University of Idaho, and the State Board of Education to allow, not only for this campuses, but for all campuses in the state. The control should be at the board level," he said.

    If they were to give back the power they have stolen and let the students exercise their responsibility rather than exert their control they would have nothing to worry about.

    Sad, a very sad state we find ourselves in these days when cowardly idiots run the very institutions that are supposed to educate people. Even worse is that it's allowed to continue.

  4. The leftists have infiltrated many areas. We need to put the brakes on and take our country back.
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." Thomas Jefferson

  5. Balance? There's no balance there. Only a fearful megalomaniac setting up others for destruction. Balance? Hell, he isn't even balanced. When one gets that unbalanced should he be allowed out in public?

    I think he should be under house arrest with an electronic anklet. No court, no adjudication, the students should just do it and fit him with a shock collar that goes off when his anklet leaves the confines of his house. It's a matter of balancing due process against our desire not to have to listen to his drivel. And that is just as justified as his stupid position.


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