Friday, March 14, 2008

Checking In--And Right Back Out Again

I had an emergency. All is well now, but this is the first chance I've had to post anything. No, the Marshal hasn't dragged me off-yet.

Also, will only have limited computer access for next week and a half. Expect limited posts and please don't expect email replies. Matter of fact, all emails that can be held off, please do. I have almost a hundred waiting for me right now, so multiply that and you'll see why.

OK, Len Savage wasn't on last night's segment--we didn't know how they would edit it--but it was a good piece on Olofson. Len's segment should be on tonight.

Finally, Academics for 2A are off to DC for Heller. Everybody's helped a bit, right, so they don't have to pay for their own airfare?

Back when I'm back.


  1. I was properly impressed. Lou Dobbs appeared to show genuine outrage at what happened to Olofson. And they were pretty accurate about what happened to the malfunctioning gun, and the heavy-handed tactics of the BATFEces. This is quite aturnaround for CNN.

  2. Okay, David. Thanks for the update.

    Hope all is well...

  3. Also: There is a way to download it and re-encode it, but it's probably a copyright violation.

  4. Alright, I'll go back home and put the worry away.

  5. Hoe everything is going well for you now, David.


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