Friday, April 11, 2008

CSI: Granby

Environmental police have concluded there is no evidence that a black bear shot by a town man on his property was charging the resident.
"Environmental police"?

Good grief.

I suppose the Hate Crimes Tactical Response Unit cannot be far behind.

Yeah, Menard must be lying. Why else would he have been the one to call the police, who otherwise would never have known?

[Via Plug Nickel Times]


  1. What kind of "evidence" would a charging black bear leave (aside from a mauled person--or corpse--if the charge wasn't stopped)?

    For that matter, does requiring "evidence" that the black bear was charging, therefore necessitating the man's self-defense, not seem a bit out of place in a justice system supposedly based on the principle of the presumption of evidence pending proof of guilt?

  2. Environmental police? Does that mean game warden?

    Get used to it, here in TX we even have environmental speed limits and I guess the game wardens are authorized to enforce that as well.

  3. What a twa.... uh, twit. What is this "experts" proof that the bear wasn't charging?

  4. Well, seeing as how the job of the police is to arrest people, and the job of the DA is to persecute, errrr, prosecute people, it appears to be more advantageous to NOT call the police unless it is absolutely necessary.

  5. More and more every day I become convinced that involving "the authorities" in my personal affairs would be a large mistake. I'm thinking now that if I'm attacked on my property by a predator*, it'll have to be shoot, shovel, and shut up lest those Only Ones use my hard-earned tribute money to pay turds to make my peaceful existence just as miserable as possible.

    *Two or four-legged.

  6. "SSS" Shoot, Shovel & Shut up!

  7. I do not call police, ever, except for traffic accidents involving others with injury needing immediate attention from medical professionals. I never call them for anything involving myself.


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