Friday, April 25, 2008

Was There Ever Any Doubt?

In what marks the end of one of the most high-profile police-involved shooting trials in New York City, a judge has acquitted three NYPD detectives of all charges in the shooting death of 23-year-old Sean Bell on Friday. Bell was gunned down in a hail of 50 bullets outside a Queens strip club on what would have been his wedding day in November 2006...

Investigators found no gun at the scene.
Well, the weather's getting warmer. Y'all might need those "Hercules Teams," Mr. Mayor...


  1. None in my case, David. The fix was in as soon as the first bullet was fired by "New York's Foulest".

  2. "The officers, complaining that pretrial publicity had unfairly painted them as cold-blooded killers, opted to have the judge decide the case rather than a jury."

    Bullshit! They opted for the Judge cause they knew he'd cover for them. PERIOD

  3. For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

  4. That's the "just-us system" for you.

  5. Talk about a conflict of interest.

    As David said - was there ever any doubt?

    This should stand as a warning to any black person in NY - you can be "shot while black" by the police and nothing will happen to the perps.

  6. I love how the idiot Bloomberg and that other fool for the detectives association claim we have the finest justice system in the world and we honor the court's authority and decision. Well, of course they do in this case. But when a ruling goes against them, they rant and rave about hoe unfair it is and how they will be justified in ignoring the court's decision. Two faced liars , all.

  7. The coverage on this seems to be continuous, cycjec. (And I don't have a TV but there's too many in
    vs public places

  8. Murder,Inc. had nothing on the NYPD.

    I believe the time is approaching when citizens will start seeking justice outside the legal system.

    Were Mr. Bell one of mine, those cops would be well advised to be running.

    I sincerely hope this is not the end of it.

  9. This case is the total reason behind Bloomberg's attempt to disarm America. He rightfully fears justice.

  10. There's no way this wasn't a cold blooded killing, murder is another way of saying it.
    The punk undercover cop who was drinking at the bar, starts giving Bell a hard time as he's leaving the bar. Bell tells him to F-off and get out of my face. Bell didn't know the punk was an undercover cop. This really hurt the punk's ego and he got Bell back.
    This kind of crap goes on too often in America today. America has a real problem. Not all cops are punks but all cops cover for punks like this. The system is made up of government employees which the judge is one of them. They see the world as, Us vs Them. We now have clear proof that this country has no justice when it comes to the hired guns of the elitist.

  11. Fifty rounds? Maybe Bloomberg should exert some of his gun control over his damn police force.

  12. Well, they shot one of the guys 19 times...and he lived.

    So why not 50 shots?

    This looks more like a clusterfcuk than a "murder" to me, and I put the blame for that equally on the men who were shot, as well as the men doing the shooting.

  13. Even lawyers have commented that this case was mishandled, e.g. that it wasn't really prosecuted. cycjec


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