Friday, May 09, 2008

I Don't Know Art...

...but I know what sucks:
"We really have no use for handguns, except for the police. And it shouldn't be going out like we do. There are many countries that don't allow guns. And these wonderful people are making headways, but it's not there yet," he said.
I guess there's no fool like an old fool, eh, Kearney? But your stupidity and fawning, contemptible need to suck up to government thugs does not excuse you for the evil that you do.

[Via HZ]


  1. I am very blessed in that I have not had to step foot in that communist hell hole in a long time. I hope I never have to again.

  2. Ah, but the Chicago philosophy is coming to US.
    I think I've seen photos of Kearney's work. Uninspired, boring, vaguely like something children playing with excrement would produce.
    He won't like the world he dreams of. Not at all.

  3. Among the recipients of the award, are Senator Dick Durbin and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

    Snuff said. I'm going to vomit now.

  4. In Senegal, which I believe is one of those wonderful gun-free countries, armed men rounded up 20 (presumably UNarmed) villagers and sliced off their left ears with machetes. It's described as a warning not to harvest valuable cashews from nearby trees which the armed men wanted for their own profit.
    In Kearney's world, people die for peanuts.

  5. The irony is, the world that he has worked 20 years to bring about will not oppress him because he'll be dead.

    It is a consummation devoutly to be wished that his dreary "art work" dies with him.

  6. I just wish that people like this guy would just go LIVE in those "wonderful" countries and leave this one alone!


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