Monday, May 26, 2008

We...are About to Have Our Fuse Lit

Mike Vanderboegh has a "Premonition."


  1. Mike makes his point well understood for people who have the ability to understand what it going on. Me thinks, Mike is not calling for a revolt or anything of the sort but is addressing cowards in the rank and file of Supporters of the Second Amendment. We need to stop supporting any group and people who are willing to sell us out so they can stay in their own personal comfort zones.
    I posted my comments under Mike's work as it deserves to be, to show support for what is without question a painstakingly piece of hard work by Mike.

  2. "Then you've had a free ride, all along. Someone's GOT to take responsability if the job's going to get done-DO YOU THINK THAT'S EASY?" Capt.Mallory,aka Gregory Peck, The Guns of Navaronne. Fatigue makes cowards of us all, and some of us are suffering from the fatigue of plenty. By the twitching of my tongue, something wicked this way comes.

  3. Sean,

    You have no idea how much I wanted to throw in Peck vs. Niven in the Guns of Navarone. My favorite line: "Well, you're in it now, up to your neck."

    Would have used it, but as Bro. Codrea observes my stuff is too long already.

  4. "Would have used it, but as Bro. Codrea observes my stuff is too long already."

    I find it too short, but, I'm weird that way.

  5. Hmm, Mike might not realize what he is saying.

    I don't want to limit the freedom loving attitude to the Second Amendment only but to the entire Constitution (since that's what this thing of ours is really about).

    Where does that leave people like Lincoln and his devastating war on his own countrymen?

    So in the next piece i expect quotes from "Back to the Future" cause we lost the Constitution a long time ago ...

    As a side note: the government can take your kids away much quicker then your guns. I didn't see any "patriots" helping those 400 hundred poor souls in Texas few weeks back. So Mike, stop acting like a prophet of vengeance and get real before your writing will put more dreamers into prison.

    Conservatives UPHOLD the law no matter what it is !!! We have to change the law if it's broken.

  6. Been trying to change the laws for over 15 years, anonymous, before Waco to prevent a Waco. BATFU is bigger and badder than ever. My congressman is the Republican Whip, an agenda setter for the party. He thinks the BATFE Modernization and reform Act will tame thugs to whom the Bill of Rights means nothing. I'm still trying to figure out whether he's totally out of touch -- I sent links to Red's Trading Post and Olofson articles -- or a neo-con like McCain. Are there any conservatives left to appeal to? And are they willing to take a chance at never again having suppport for bills they introduce, to support OUR FREEDOM?
    It may not be the end of the world as we know it -- car and long-term investment commercials costing millions still air on TV -- and "good Germans" who asked no questions made it through the war unscathed -- but we now have Thoughtcrime and also Malfcrime: when a firearm does something it wasn't designed or modified to do and you never intended it to do, but you go to prison anyway. I'm sure we'll be able to have interesting philosophical discussions of when exactly talking became ineffective -- at least until the guards turn out the lights and yell at us to pipe down.

  7. [Conservatives] UPHOLD the law no matter what it is !!! We have to change the law if it's broken.

    ... so, so sad. If this truly is the sentiment of the majority of those on our side, we are in for a cold and endless night.

    I suspect you will be ok though, Anonymous. After Mike V. is gone, don't try to change the law too hard though, eventually your masters will tire of you too.

  8. Conservatives are most definately NOT on "our side" since they are only one side of the authoritarian cow pie. Enemies of ANY freedom are enemies of ALL freedom.

  9. "Conservatives UPHOLD the law no matter what it is !!! We have to change the law if it's broken."

    So sez anonymous. You are, in some measure, correct. Mindless conservatives do that. Such men in history have been called other things. In the Founders' generation they were called tories. By one argument, everything Hitler did was "lawful". His powers were awarded him by the duly elected Reichstag. I have ever been a republican -- small "r" -- I believe in the constitutional Republic of the Founders. That makes me a classical liberal, but of course like everything else about the language, that term has been hijacked, twisted and distorted by collectivists to suit their own purposes. The same goes for "conservative." We can, and should, define ourselves both by what we are for and what we are against. On the simplest level, the old bumper sticker, "When guns are outlawed, I'll be an outlaw" obtains. I am working on an essay on the topic of the smuggler as freedom fighter, starting with John Hancock. To paraphrase Mrs. Gump, Liberty is as liberty does. Germans, even those who held anti-Nazi opinions, but who were law-abiding, are justly condemned for failing to be "lawless." I am commanded to keep God's laws. To the extent that man's laws reflect God's laws I will oby them too. But when the Devil is running the legislature, being law-abiding can consign your soul, and your country, to Hell.

  10. Conservatives UPHOLD the law no matter what it is !!! We have to change the law if it's broken.

    I reckon that makes me something other than conservative. I go with Randy Barnett's formula: only those laws that are necessary and proper to carrying out a Constitutionally enumerated power of government, and which are not unjust towards those against whom it is enforced (Barnett would, if I am not doing undue violence to his argument and scholarship, apply something like strict scrutiny), can bind in conscience.

    Conversely, any law that is enforced only by superior force is a manifestation of tyranny. One may choose to comply as a tactical measure, but uphold it? Not likely.

  11. Everyone has their field of work. If a person is applying their energy to firearm issue defending the Second Amendment and doing an excellent go at it, so be it. They may not have extra time, being there is only 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week.
    Everyone has their calling, it's as simple as that.
    Some people may be fooled which I'm not going to buy about this issue if you are with us you are with every single issue at the same time. The words addressing Mike about the kids in Texas are bitter words of sour grapes. I would say Mike struck some nerves, clearly.
    One thing I found out long ago is intelligent people know they make mistakes. That's just part of the learning process and something that should not be taking personal. The shot at Mike above speaks volumes and the person/s need to follow Mike's advice and take a good look in the mirror.

  12. anon, just said one of the most stupid things I have ever heard or read. His entry of it is not original, it has been used by every tyrant, and every coward since time began.

    Commenters above have taken him to task over it,as they should.

    But my God! Was it ever a stupid thing to say.

    Mike, there in no argument about the legality of Hitler's actions or the horrors they perpetrated. Everything they did was legal under German law.

    Anon's stupid statement makes me believe he would have been one of the "ordinary" men who "just followed orders and obeyed the law" had he been assigned to the ovens and showers at Auschwitz to "process" the internees.

    And being as the law at that time and place disallowed criticism of it and the leadership, he would have obeyed that law too and not worked to change the others.

    Cowardice is worse than cancer. At least with cancer you know you are dying, with cowardice you don't know you are already dead.


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