Saturday, May 10, 2008

We're the Only Ones Pushing Things Enough

A former Clarksville police officer has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for dealing drugs...

Mikel was a candidate for town judge at the time he was arrested.

Honest to God, I do not go out looking for these.

I don't need to. "The Only Ones" do all the work.

[Via Shermlock Shomes]


  1. There's at least one in every lockup. We know because prison riots are few.
    Here, with Project Exile and Drug Abuse Resistance Education for 15 years, or 50, a city jail deputy still gets charged with selling drugs to his prisoners ever year or so.
    I have it second-hand that a top official's daughters enjoy "hand-rolled herbal cigarettes" in social gatherings. They kbow no one will touch THEM.
    What a farce.

  2. If he was a judge, he could probably afford quantity discounts and pass the savings on to the people he locked up on drug charges.
    If he's willing to violate the people's trust, surely he's willing to violate anti-trust laws?

  3. Drugs are dirty business which is why he was taking down. He could have cheated, lied and ripped people off right and left in many other ways and got away with it. But he took the low level IQ route and got into the drug business. Moron!


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