Monday, June 16, 2008

All for One Low Price of $29.95!

A government study found that a used .50 caliber BMG sniper rifle can be purchased online for just $29.95
And if you act now, we'll throw in the steak knives...

The Armed Canadian makes the case that the antis were wringing their panties over a parody ad.

If so, I'm PO'd, because I'd like equal hysteria over the LSAS ad we posted on GunTruths, lo, those many years ago...


  1. I ran around the neighborhood banging pots and pans screaming "the sky is falling" while leaving a wet trail just for you David.

    Or maybe this "I'll sell anyone a sniper rifle for $29.95" crap is just more hype to try to increase the price of ammo to $5000/rd?

    Aren't the anti-rights types always saying to ban the bullets or tax the ammo?

  2. A wet trail just for me.

    And they say this gig has no benefits.


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