Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Temple of the Gods

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple. [More]
I guess the Temple of Ba'al was already booked that night...


  1. Not to mention the Temple of Moloch.


  2. Intended to remind us, no doubt, of Thomas Jeffson's classical-Greek-inspired architecture, city halls, courthouses, justice, freedom.
    A facade, truly.
    "PAIN, Captain."

  3. Let them manufacture a god, then laugh at them when their god falls. Sticking with the Star Trek theme: "Behold, a god who BLEEDS!"

  4. To think, I thought that it was the media painting this picture of Obama being a god, but the man himselfmust think he actually is a god!

    What an idiot. After his speech is he going lie in a cave for 3 days and then re-appear to a select few...maybe that is how he should have picked his VP.

  5. They're talking on Fox about a dem. delegate from Texas circulating a petition to place Hillary on the Veep spot, and it is possible. But I still see this poseur landing hard on his face in November. Don't know how many cities will burn if'n he loses, hell, or how many will burn if he wins. But Pride goeth before a fall.

  6. My dad is referring to the DNC as a worship service. I'm inclined to agree

  7. Just saw an excerpt from ted kennedy's speech.
    "Barack Obama will close the book on the old politics of race and gender and group against group and straight against gay."

    An old farmer remarked on how at the fair in a cage a lion and a lamb did in fact lie down together. "That's just beautiful."
    "Yeah," said a carny, "but it's a different lamb every day."

    There's still the old politics of freedom vs. tyranny. That book's still wide open.

    I remember some quote from literature about dwarves who lurk and peep out from around the legs of giants. They're running things now.

  8. David, I kid you not, I had a photoshop of EXACTLY that scene from the classic Star Trek episode laid out in my head this morning when I read that story.

    Great (nerdy) minds, and all that.

  9. That is a GREAT illustration.

    Bill Clinton is giving a speech at the convention. He had to interrupt the applause to get started, after about a full minute. Oh. Oh. Change she [Hillary] wanted for all our children." I think of Serenity Sea Jones. She died in the fiery chemical hell of Waco along with about 17 little friends. They found her feet.

  10. Change she [Hillary] wanted for all our children." I think of Serenity Sea Jones. She died in the fiery chemical hell of Waco along with about 17 little friends. They found her feet.

    it was a change for her, wasn't it? The same type of change planned for us. We didn't stand then, do we deserve any better fate?

  11. If Obama is such a "Lightworker", then why does he need political power? Why doesn't the strength of his omnipresent supergalactic oneness just sweep us all off our feet? What does God need with a starship?

    "You're no god to us, mister."

    Mark Odell


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