Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Terror Loophole

From Illspirit:
I found an article on CNN about an armed airline pilot and a third-grader on the no-fly list, and threw it into a reverse only-ones/think-of-the-children vortex about the 'guns in the hands of terrorists' bit in the new DNC platform.

This got me thinking: What if a few gun bloggers started covering more of these no-fly list stories as a sort of catalog of "people Democrats think are terrorists" or some such? There's probably a bunch of people out there who have no idea about just what is meant by closing the "loophole," and assume it actually means real, convicted terrorists or something. But with the strong google-fu our side has, maybe we can move up in the search ranks so that more people might find just how easy it would be for them to face a lifetime ban?

Likewise, there's probably even some on our side who sort of realize this, but somehow think it couldn't happen to them. If the story about a five year old being on the list doesn't motivate them, I'm not sure what will...
I think in general it's a fine idea. I've used the government's "Homegrown Terrorists" label in the past, but perhaps something more descriptive of the no fly/no guns nexus would be appropriate to create.


My only point of contention is limiting this to democrats. TSA maintains the list, and they are controlled by a republican administration that has done more to pave the way for intrusive domestic interference and control in the name of "homeland security" than anyone.


  1. I won't be seeing Hawaii or Australia unless they move them to the Gulf of Mexico. No more airports for me.
    But it WILL be applied to buses, trains, rental cars, hotel stays, traveler's checks and other necessities until no one can go anywhere. This is just the beginning. They've got the scent of bllod in their nostrils. They will not stop.
    Until they are stopped.

  2. I almost laughed out loud at "people DEMOCRATS think are terrorists."

    Um, who do you think started this list?

  3. Instead of home grown terrorists, how about Constitutional Extremist.

  4. I think the name needs to be something starkly contrasting the notion of terrorists, just like "only ones" contrasts.

    Ideally it'd be something non-gunnies would google and accidently stumble upon.

  5. Yea, I agree it's better to not limit it to Democrats. I only singled them out due to that plank in their national platform.

    Well, that, and, "people the Republicans say are terrorists whom the Democrats agree and think should be permanently defined as such" or whatever just wouldn't be as catchy.

    Either way, this is a slightly different beast than the usual "homegrown terrorists" both sides of the Republicrat coin shriek about. The third-grader mentioned in the CNN article probably doesn't know what the Constitution is yet (and probably won't for some time if he's in public school..), so it's unlikely he's gotten around to an "extremist" belief in it yet.

    As such, people who think they'll be eaten last if they keep their views a secret should be reminded of how anyone can be arbitrarily run through the machine.

  6. Democrats have a "plank in their platform" and Republicans have "a mote in their eye". Authoritarians all.

  7. Let's call them Designated Terrorists.

  8. In my adventures at the Indiana Statehouse, I chatted with the Indiana TSA Director, David Kane. The very day I was at a CTASC (CounterTerrorAndSecurityCouncil)meeting watch them piss on the BOR, he tried out a new wrikle. At selected bus stops downtown, passengers would be searched.

    I told him that I had traveled by bus that day and was packing. He said Indygo forbade packing. I said don't ask don't tell. I further said I'd refuse to have my 4th and 2nd Amendment rights violated. He just 'beneficently' smiled.

    Wonder if I'm on the List? I drive everywhere, but the day is coming where we will probably have basic cavity searches upon leaving the house.

    Indeed, til we make it stop.


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